Ep. 5 You Can Relax
Podcast Lucretia Donahue-Reed Podcast Lucretia Donahue-Reed

Ep. 5 You Can Relax

if you know how to bring about the relaxation response then you can turn off the fight or flight response and this is good for emotional and physical health.

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Ep.4 Emergency! The Fight or Flight Response
Podcast Lucretia Donahue-Reed Podcast Lucretia Donahue-Reed

Ep.4 Emergency! The Fight or Flight Response

The body’s emergency response is often called “fight-or-flight” because the response originally was to prepare the body to either run away from or to fight a danger. All of the physical changes that take place are to optimize the system to handle a dangerous situation.

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Ep.3 Curiosity Gives You a Kick
Podcast Lucretia Donahue-Reed Podcast Lucretia Donahue-Reed

Ep.3 Curiosity Gives You a Kick

Curiosity, rampant in children, subdued or even constrained in adults, underlies learning and memory. People are more likely to remember information on a topic they are curious about.

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Ep.1 Value Lifelong Learning
Podcast Lucretia Donahue-Reed Podcast Lucretia Donahue-Reed

Ep.1 Value Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is continuing to learn new ideas and information over the span of your life. It means learning doesn’t stop once you leave high school!

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