My Latest New Endeavors

Photo of a woman engaged in vlogging which looks like me and represents my latest endeavors.

I have been very busy working on some fairly large projects. One that is currently available is my first interview-style episode on my podcast, Calm & Confident You. For my first attempt at doing an interview, I chose to interview the person with whom I share my outpatient office. We have a good arrangement such that she uses the office during the day and I use the office in the evenings. Laura Moog is a massage therapist with interesting specialties. We were relaxed and had fun doing this interview. There were things that were a surprise to me so that made it fun! You can listen to the episode HERE.

Or watch the interview video on YouTube HERE. And check out my YouTube channel. I have been creating more videos!

I am currently working on a new online course that will be focused on Stress Management. It will have about five modules with video lessons and activities to be done with each lesson. I have finished creating the first module which is all about what is stress and what happens during the stress response. The activity takes a look at your personal stress response. I recently bought a webcam, finally, for my laptop so I will be putting out higher quality videos! I am excited to see the results now that I know more about how to do it, how to record, how to edit, and how to use more tech! I have learned so much over the past couple of years! Watch for the announcements once I have that new course completed.

And so that I don't sit around bored twiddling my thumbs, (that is sarcasm, I never get bored), I am also putting together a class that I will offer in person through my outpatient practice. The content of this in-person stress class will be somewhat different from my online class since it will emphasize using mindfulness. It will run for 8 weeks. At each meeting, I will be presenting new concepts and new activities which we will do during the class. People will go home and practice during the week until the next meeting. So I am gearing up for that class to start in January 2024. Just yesterday I printed up flyers and I'm starting to distribute them in my local community.

I am a very busy person! This is because my brain is always going and I am always thinking of things that I want to do which stretch my own creativity. These endeavors keep things interesting for me! Hopefully they are providing value to others both in person and online!

 If you want to stay up to date on all that I have going on, you can join my free Facebook group called Strategies for Managing Overwhelming Thoughts and Emotions.

You can like and follow my Facebook business page @ldonreed.

You can sign up to be on my email list using the form on this blog site.

Or you can sign up for my free 7-Day email class which you'll find on the home page of this website. You will receive that email class and then you will be on my email list.

Everyone on my email list receives tips, notices, and special offers!

Please leave a comment below with your feedback on any of the above. I appreciate hearing from you!


#7 Adjust Thinking, Moderate Feeling


#6 Embrace Hope and Desire