Introducing New Blog: A Haven for Personal Growth!

Welcome to this brand-new blog! I am thrilled to unveil this exciting addition to the Growing Emotional Strength community and can't wait to embark on this journey of personal growth and discovery with you.

Are you ready to dive deeper into your emotional well-being, gain valuable insights, and foster your journey towards becoming a calmer, more confident you? If so, you're in the right place.

What You Can Expect From This Blog:

At Growing Emotional Strength, the mission is to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to navigate life's challenges and nurture your emotional well-being. This blog furthers that goal.

Here's a taste of what you can look forward to:

1. Podcast Show Notes: This blog will be your go-to source for the show notes from the more popular episodes of the “Calm & Confident You Podcast.” When you listen to the podcast, you might want to revisit key takeaways, quotes, and insights from your favorite episodes. The show notes will make it easy for you to reference and reflect.

2. A Space for Community: This blog is not just about presenting information but it is also about creating a space where you can share your thoughts, reactions, and experiences. Feel free to leave comments and engage in conversations with fellow readers. Your unique perspectives are invaluable.

3. Diverse Content: While the podcast show notes will be a central focus, the blog will feature a wide range of articles, tips, and resources on personal growth, emotional well-being, mindfulness, and more..

4. A Hub for Learning: Whether you're looking for advice on managing stress, building resilience, understanding human nature, or simply seeking inspiration for your personal growth journey, this blog is designed to be your go-to hub for learning and self-improvement.

5. Deeper Connection. This blog brings the opportunity to connect with you on a deeper level. You are invited to explore, engage, and share your thoughts. Your feedback and participation will play a vital role in the value of the blog.

So, stay tuned and bookmark this page. The best is yet to come!

Thank you for being a part of the Growing Emotional Strength community.

My goal is to always be growing and learning and I would love it if you will join me!

Warmest wishes,

Lucretia Donahue-Reed M.S.


Ep.1 Value Lifelong Learning